Gênero: Drama
Ano de Lançamento: 2014
Idioma Original: Inglês / Português
Audio: Dual Audio (Dublado)
Tipo de Legenda: Português Forçadono MKV
Duração: 42 minutos cada episódio
Resolução: 1280 x 720 pixels
Tamanho: 46 GB
Qualidade: BluRay
Extensão: MKV
Codec de Vídeo: h.264
Codec de Audio: AC3 5.1
Qualidade de Audio: 10
Qualidade de Video: 10
Raymond “Red” Reddington, one of the FBI´s most wanted fugitives, surrenders in person at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. He claims that he and the FBI have the same interests: bringing down dangerous criminals and terrorists. Reddington will co-operate, but insists that he will speak only to Elizabeth Keen, a rookie FBI profiler. Keen questions Reddington´s sudden interest in her, though he claims that Keen is very special. After the FBI brings down a terrorist he provided information on, Reddington reveals that the terrorist is only just the first of many. In the last two decades, he´s made a list of criminals and terrorists he believes the FBI cannot find because they did not know they exist and that they matter the most. Reddington calls it “The Blacklist”.
The Blacklist S02 720p BluRay x264-Belex – Dual Audio + Legenda
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